Pineapple-Buttermilk Sherbet With Mint

Source: Kevin D. Weeks for NPR, From Cooking With Herbs
This was a frequent summertime dessert when I was a child. Usually my father made it, so we called it Dad's Sherbet. It has a wonderful fresh flavor from the mint, which perfectly complements the pineapple, which highlights the buttermilk's mild but delightful tartness.
Makes 6 servings

2/3 cups sugar
2 cups buttermilk
3 tablespoons minced fresh mint (Optional)
1 8-ounce can crushed pineapple

Add sugar to buttermilk and stir until dissolved. Stir in mint and pineapple (with juice). Pour into a 9-by-13-inch pan and place in the freezer.
Stir the mixture with a whisk every hour. As the mixture gets closer to freezing, regular attention becomes more important because the freezing process speeds up. When the mixture is at the slush point (80 to 90 percent frozen), change from a whisk to a fork for stirring.
Use a fork to stir again just before serving. This produces mounds of loose crystals.

This is delicious.  I've made this several times, it's great and easy to make.

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