Pain a l'Ancienne

From the Bread Baker's Apprentice

383g Bread Flour
8g Salt
200g Ice Cold Water

3.3g Active Dry Yeast
70g 115 degree water

I cut the recipe into half so it yielded 3 loaves instead of 6.  We also did not have instant yeast, only active dry, so I converted it accordingly...

100% fresh yeast = 40-50% active dry yeast = 33% instant yeast
0.40 active dry / 0.33 instant = 1
To convert amount of instant yeast needed to amount of active dry just multiply it by 0.4/0.33 or 1.2121...

Now, to proof the active dry yeast you need to soak it in half a cup of 115 degree water for 10 minutes.  I only soaked it in about 1/8th of a cup of water for around 5 minutes.  Not only did I not smell that strong yeast odor, but I think the water cooled too quickly and I didn't wait long enough.  Combined by the fact that the recipe calls for ice cold water, which I think may have retarded the yeast, the bread didn't rise much.

Method:  I combined all the ingredients, making sure to stir in the salt wit the the flour so that it didn't directly mix in with the yeast, which would interfere with it multiplying.  I forgot to sift the flour, but I don't think it mattered this time, next time I will definitely SIFT THE FLOUR.  Secondly, I did not knead the bread for long enough.  I spent like, 1 minute, because the dough was soooo wet.  Next time I will knead for 8 minutes (the book recommends mixing on low for 2 minutes and then on medium for 5-6 minutes).   I left it in the fridge for a good time overnight.  However, when I took the wet dough out I didn't let it rise to double.  I waited a good 3 hours, but I it wasn't doing it.  I think it was the yeast, or maybe, I just didn't wait long enough.  The book said 2-3 hours or longer if necessary.  Then I put it over about 1/2 cup of flour and made it 8inches by 6inches, I degassed it too much because I "rolled" it out by pressing.  I should have stretched it!   I cut it into the strips fine.  The last change I would make would be to use parchment paper, I used flour and the result was bread covered in flour... yeah.  Anyways, surprise surprise, the bread didn't rise too much.  It was rather flat.

New Instructions:
  1. Take 3C cold water from the fridge and add 8 ice cubes.  Wait 2 minutes and then measure out 3 cups (24 ounces)
  2. Sift 383g flour and 8g salt into a large bowl
  3. Add in  270g ice cold water and 2.7g instant yeast
  4. Mix with a spoon
  5. Wet hands and knead in bowl for 8 minutes OR mix with a paddle attachment for 2 minutes on low then switch to a dough hook and mix for 5-6 on medium. 
  6. Lightly oil a large bowl and transfer the dough.  Mist the top of the dough with oil and cover with plastic wrap.
  7. Place in the fridge to retard overnight.
  8. Take out of the fridge and let rise for 2-3 hours (or longer if necessary) till it doubles.  
  9. Pre-heat the oven to 500 degrees F 1hr before baking
  10. Sprinkle the counter with 1/2 C of bread flour. 
  11. Wet your hands and plastic scrapper. GENTLY transfer the dough to the counter.
  12. If the dough is very wet, sprinkle a little flour on top and bottom.  
  13. Dry your hands and dip in flour.  GENTLY stretch the doah until it's about 8"x6"
  14. Wet a pastry scraper or sharp knife and divide the dough into baguette width strips
  15. Let the dough relax for 5 minutes
  16. Place a pan in the bottom of the oven
  17. Fill a water spritzer with water
  18. Boil 1 cup of water in the microwave
  19. Cover the back of a sheet pan with baking parchment and dust with semolina flours or cornmeal.  
  20. Flours your hands and transfer dough strips to the baking parchment, carefully stretching.  Let it rest for 5 minutes if it springs back.
  21. Wet a knife.  Slash the tops with 3 diagonal cuts.  If the dough isn't cooperating, skip this.
  22. Slide the parchment + dough onto a baking stone or bake directly on the sheet pan.  
  23. Using a long spout or tall cup, pour the water into the pan and close the door.
  24. After 30 seconds mist the side of the oven (avoid glass) with water.  Repeat 2 more times.
  25. Lower heat to 475 degree F
  26. In 8-9 minutes the bread should begin to turn golden brown.  Flip them around if they are baking unevenly and continue baking for 10-15 minutes more, until golden brown.
  27. Cool on a rack
Other blogs: La Cerise, Joe Pasty

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